Okeechobee Music and Arts Festival 2020 in Sunshine Grove, Florida on March 5-8 was the biggest music event I have ever attended and covered. I am very close to indie rock band Flipturn (mostly the lead singer; as he is my boyfriend) and was asked to capture the set on Sunday afternoon. This was one of my best experiences as a photographer and challenged me as a videographer. Check out the photo gallery and video I put together below!
I photographed and filmed their 45-minute set, captured their backstage interview, camped with them, and watched our favorite bands perform, including Glass Animals and Vampire Weekend. The weekend was spent wearing bright colors, meeting up with friends, and listening to some incredible artists.
A list of tips I would give any content creator for a music festival below
Develop a plan of action before the set. You will need to follow the artist timeline carefully and find opportune moments to shoot them during interviews or just hanging out backstage. These shots are helpful for behind the scenes on social media posts.
Bring extra batteries and have them fully charged already. The campground we stayed at was a part of artist camping and I was lucky enough to have access to outlets at all times; however, it's very rare to have access when you're inside the festival.
Two words. Fanny-Pack. This was a lifesaver when I didn't want to wear my backpack and gave me a place to store extra SD cards and batteries.
Tennis Shoes or combat boots - something comfortable with a strong grip especially when moving around on stage when shooting
Media Pass - Collect your pass before the event. Making sure you have the correct date is so important. Will Call can be hectic so make sure to have a contact (and back up contact) in your emails to get in touch with.
Drink Water ( the band gets alcoholic drinks backstage so you have to remember to stay hydrated yourself. Also, you can always grab a white claw after you film/shoot)
A list of my gear is linked at the end!
Photographer: Madison Steadman
Youtube Video
Videographer: Madison Steadman

In an interview in the Media tent with Gainesville Alternative Radio Station
Few pictures to remember the weekend
List of my gear
Event and Band
Из всего информационного пространства, которое нам сегодня доступно, надо выбирать только качественный и полезный контент. Это в первую очередь касается новостей, потому что именно благодаря новостям, мы с вами узнаем обо всем, что происходит в мире. Именно поэтому, я выбрал для этого лучший новостной портал Delo.ua, который уже много лет публикует качественные и актуальные новости. С его помощью, я недавно прочитал очень крутой материал, в котором говорилось о том, что Украина остановила транзит российского газа https://delo.ua/news/ukrayina-zupinila-tranzit-rosiiskogo-gazu-440034/, тем самым лишив врага прибыли на сумму в несколько миллиардов долларов, что нанесло еще один удар по экономике агрессора. В общем, если говорить более широко, то именно благодаря новостному порталу дело.юа, я начал узнавать о новостях экономики, бизнеса и финансов, что положительно отразилось на…